
Stanford Learning Lab -- an innovative approach to teaching

Date: July - Sept 1997
Team: Jon Bruck, Jared Kopf

Description: Serving to keep Stanford University on the leading edge of e-learning innovation, the Stanford Learning Lab acts as the university's technology R&D unit, building next-generation learning tools and services and disseminating them to all schools in the community.

I was recruited by Professor Larry Leifer in my sophomore year to help design and build the websites for the first study of the Stanford Learning Lab.

The project involved developing the curriculum, pedagogical methods, learning technologies, and assessment procedures for a freshman Intro to Humanities course The Word and The World.

The course examined five texts: Genesis, Meditations, Shang Shu, Hamlet, and the film Blade Runner, with a focus on reading methods, rather than content.

A unique site was created for each text where the student would be required to read assignments and answer questions online. In addition, there were other resources and tools within each text's site for the student to explore and get a deeper understanding of the texts. View the documentary video below that details this project.

-- Stanford Learning Lab
-- The Word and the World
-- "Beyond Words" 56k, 200k (Real Video)

BJ Fogg
Justarrive Corp
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Leo Africanus
Learning Lab



"Beyond Words: Project Documentary"
56k or 200k

*Requires Real Video

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